Saturday, February 6, 2010

Possible answer for India's crisis?

As you read in my last blog post, I have alot of questions for why India is the way it is. Here is possibly an explanation that dates back to its beginnings and that may describe how detrimental the take over from Britain was for their country and all its previous glory. Maybe the British are to blame for raping a country once full of pride, culture, and sense of dignity for all of its problems and lack of efforts today. Just a thought...either way, no matter who's to blame, maybe if we can understand how this happened, we can figure out how to restore its once strong sense of pride and strength as a nation.


  1. Honey, I am glad you are looking for answers. I am glad to see you speak your mind. I had not seen the article you posted, but I knew the current plight of India was started with the British. It is living proof that what we do reverbrates sometimes FOREVER. Can't wait for you to be HOME. Thank God for all his children.

    I love you. Neen

  2. I love you sister!! Keep your head up, you can make it through the emotional stress. And just to let you know... you are making a difference in the world, one life @ a time... ppl may not show it now, but soon enough you will the the reason for their change b/c you have touched their lives in one way or another!! LOVE YOU! Hayden says i love you loo loo and Judd says hey and he loves you too! miss you and can't wait to see you soon!

    p.s. Hey Mary!! :)
